Josh and Bonnie in Prague at the top of the castle hill!

Me and Henry in front of a castle church.

And just me because, well, I’m that good.

Ice cream after a day of walking the cobble-y streets of Prague!

Prague prague prague. Or apparently, “Praha”

The kids pondering the beauty of life while overlooking the Charles bridge.

Ashley with a pink bird that a street vendor guy put on her. “Hold bird, free. You want picture, cost money”

Addie with the pink bird on her head??? What?? How much money do we owe this street vendor guy now??

Luckily this bird had already used the water closet shortly before visiting with us.

Me and Josh on the Charles bridge. Basically the most romantic place on earth. Are we more in love now than ever? Yep, I think so.

Just exploring Prague with my buddy of the day Henry!